LeetCode 139. Word Break 解答



class Solution:

    def wordBreak(self, s: str, wordDict: List[str]) -> bool:
        Solution-0: BF Recursion
        # def helper(s, curr_idx) -> bool:
        #     if curr_idx == len(s) :
        #         return True
        #     N = len(s)
        #     for word in wordDict:
        #         if len(word) <= N - curr_idx  and s[curr_idx:curr_idx+len(word)] in wordDict and helper(s,curr_idx+len(word)):
        #             return True
        #     return False
        # return helper(s, 0)

        Solution-1: Recursion with memory

        # mem  = {}
        # def helper(s, curr_idx) -> bool:
        #     if curr_idx in mem:
        #         return mem[curr_idx]
        #     if curr_idx == len(s) :
        #         mem[curr_idx] = True
        #         return True
        #     N = len(s)
        #     for word in wordDict:
        #         if len(word) <= N - curr_idx  and s[curr_idx:curr_idx+len(word)] in wordDict and helper(s,curr_idx+len(word)):
        #             mem[curr_idx] = True
        #             return True
        #     mem[curr_idx] = False
        #     return False
        # return helper(s, 0)    

        Solution-2: BFS( time out limit error)
        # queue = collections.deque([0])
        # while queue:
        #     idx = queue.popleft()
        #     # print(idx)
        #     if idx == len(s):
        #         return True
        #     for end in range(idx, len(s) ):
        #         if s[idx:end+1] in wordDict:
        #             queue.append(end+1)
        # return False

        Solution-3: Dynamic Programming
        dp = [False] * (len(s) + 1)
        dp[0] = True
        for i in range(len(s) + 1):
            if dp[i]:
                for word in wordDict:
                    if s[i:i+len(word)] == word:
                        dp[i+len(word)] = True
        return dp[-1]



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